Sunday, June 3, 2007


It's already been a week since my last post. This week has been hectic and full and it's finally over. Kyle and I both finished our craziness within 16 hours of eachother. Friday at 4:30 we had a showing of the piece we've been working on with Bill Evans from New Mexico. It was kind of fun, actually. We were all exhausted and didn't want to do it but we had our showing in the theatre upstairs with lights and we showed our piece and the level 1s and 2s showed their piece and Bill Evans (who I believe is in his 70s) tap danced between each piece. He was amazing. Kyle and his parents came with his aunts and uncles from out of town. It was nice to have them there. And then Saturday Kyle had his last exam of all time at 9:00 in the morning and it was his birthday yesterday too. So after his exam him and I went out for brunch at the Falafel Place and wandered the city together looking at antiques and loctite (which was particularily exciting... kyle needed it for building wheels for his bike. I bought an antique locket and a big cameo ring). It was a nice relaxing afternoon. And then we went to his parent's house for a birthday feast.

I slept in this morning and it was wonderful. I have a 4 hour rehersal this afternoon, though and I'm not super excited about that. But at least it has nothing to do with school so it'll be okay.

Other highlights of the past week include our grad dinner. One of the co-directors of our program hosts it and cooks for days before the meal. It was amazing. We had about 6 courses and all of it was fantastic Italian food. It was a nice evening. I'm going to miss all my fellow 4th years next year. We managed to bond in a special way over the past 4 years and it's sad to see us all disperse. Only 4 out of 10 of us are staying in town. Actually that's a lie. 2 more will be in town next year, but right now they're in Africa and Israel. I'm sure we'll all see eachother but it's still sad to say goodbye after spending virtually every day together for 4 years.

Other than the grad dinner my week didn't really have any highlights... It was stressful and busy and exhausting and sweaty. And I had a grant proposal due on Friday which didn't help matters at all. But I'm done! It's all done! woot!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

hey, i just got your letter today and it totally made my day!!! anyhow, i am calling you tomorrow (your tues night) becuase i want to chat about the letter, and i have news of my own...tee hee i hope you are you lots!