Wednesday, June 13, 2007

description of a haircut

I got my hair cut yesterday. As I don't have a camera, I cannot show you what it looks like. So this post probably isn't all that interesting... But I'll tell you some history about my haircut because I'm sure you're interested and, frankly, I have nothing better to do right now... So here is is: I was in a big dilemma for quite some time about how to cut it. For a long time I was determined it was time to chop it all off. It hasn't been cut since October and it was looking bad. But my hairdresser moved to India so I kept putting it off because I didn't know who to go to. And then the salon called me to say that my hairdresser was coming back and wanted to know if I wanted to make an appointment. And so I did. But right before my haircut, my hair started looking good again so I had second thoughts. But they got cut off anyways. It's not as short as I had thought about doing it, because as it turns out, my hairdresser is back for good (I thought she was just visiting) so now I have the option of going back to her if I want a bigger change. But I did lose a lot of hair. It doesn't look super different except for my pony tail. it's a wee little tail. just a spriglet, really.


Tami Jo said...

A spriglet?

Lindsey said...

ok, time for a're putting me in suspence, although i am sure it looks great!