Wednesday, June 6, 2007

birthday photographs

So, as you know it was Kyle's birthday this weekend. And as I think you know, his aunts and uncles happened to be in town so we had a birthday feast. Here are some pictures of it:

This is the birthday boy with his cake. (and me in my new favourite hoodie. i know it doesn't look like much, but it's soft.) Kyle likes to make unhappy faces in pictures because he thinks when he smiles it makes him look bulbous and chubby...

Something about Kyle's hair in this picture makes him look less like Kyle... In any case, Kyle's sister Tara sent him a soccer jersey all the way from Argentina. She's going to have a baby soon. An Argentinian Gaucho Boy...

This is him... and her... this picture looks different from the others because it wasn't taken at the feast. Because they weren't there. Because they're in Argentina having babies.

I have no explanation for this one... actually I do: Kyle and I were seriously tired. We can't keep up with the old folks anymore... they're wild.

Group photo minus Kyle's dad. From left to right we have Terry (Randy's brother) and his wife Jan (Darlene's sister) - they're from BC - and then Darlene and then Kyle and I ( I was being sneaky because Randy was concerned with fitting us all in the picture and I wanted to see if he noticed that he couldn't see me even though I was in the centre... he didn't... ) and then from Regina we have Lorraine (another of Darlene's sisters) and her husband Elwood (he likes ropes but hates snooze buttons).

And this final picture is of all of us after they came to see me dance. I was incredibly sweaty but they hugged me anyways because they liked the show...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

the pictures totally made me laugh! i love it!