Monday, October 22, 2007

day one

today was our first day of rehearsals. and we had a great time, actually. the studio that we were working in today is really beautiful, big windows, hardwood floors... it was a long day and we worked hard but i think we were all feeling excited and motivated and we had fun and got a lot accomplished so that was good. will most likely have bruises and sore muscles tomorrow but that's just the life of a dancer, really.

Other than that my day wasn't terribly eventful other than a funny and perhaps inappropriate event involving an anonymous canadian companion of mine finding herself constapated after traveling and another of my companions giving her a pill to help take care of it only to realize that the pill was actually to cure traveller's diarrhea. oops. so then we had to go to the apotheque (drugstore) and to spare the ailing one further embarassment she stayed outside while the other one and i tried to explain our predicament by miming and stumbling through the german-english dictionery. so today's german word of the day is verstopfung - constapation. i feel i am allowed to tell this story because they don't know about my blog, so they won't know... i'm a bad friend...

we also went grocery shopping. brie cheese is way cheaper here than at home.

learning how to count in german. i've got up to 9 pretty good but 10 is hard to pronounce.

I'm worried that the dog here is going to die any second.

apparently austrian guys make horrible screeching rooster noises at girls when they drive past sometimes. this has only happened once so far but it was startling and therefore memorable.

long day tomorrow. time for bed.


Tami Jo said...

cockadoodle doo!
what a fun day! wish I had exciting things to share. I spoke with Jan Bones yesterday. she thinks she won't make my dress till right before the wedding as I will change so much between now and then. Seems she will make it pretty much exact except she suggested straps.

Lindsey said...

it sounds so fun tiff! glad you are having a good time! when you get a chance, i want to see pictures!

Aleksa said...

wow! I would love for you to reenact this situation when i see you!!!