Wednesday, July 25, 2007

7 things.

so... apparently i've been tagged and i got in trouble last time i dropped the ball so here it goes: 7 random things about me:

1. When I was little I had huge ears and I refused to wear anything other than pink sweatsuits.

2. I hate the words nostril and tabernacle

3. I secretly love McDonalds french fries

4. I dream of one day having a little house of my own with window boxes, a bedroom closet and a craft room with windows.

5. I would love to open a yarn store one day

6. If I had more time, I would design and hook rugs. I would love to be a rug hooker... but not a regular hooker...

7. My left big toe cracks with every step I take. My brother says he can always tell when I'm in the next peice in a show because in the blackout he can hear my toe cracking as I walk on stage. I was recently told by a choreographer not to feel self-conscious about it because it was just another way for me to communicate with my audience.

I only know one other blogger so I guess Lindsey is now tagged...
these are the rules:
* I must post 7 random things about me.
* Tag 7 other Bloggers to do the same.
* Post the rules and the Bloggers I tagged here.
* Leave Tagged Bloggers a comment on their blog so they know they have been tagged.


Tami Jo said...

Tiff, I noticed in the photo of you girls reading Harry Potter at your sleep over, that you are not wearing a summer robe! I guess I am not a direct descendant of Nostradamus after all... sorry for getting your hopes up!
and I hate the words Garbage truck.

Lindsey said...

so, i had checked your blog a few times when i got home and there was nothing new so i assumed that you stopped posting. so i just did some catch up reading and quite enjoyed it. i love the picuture of you and kyle and the pee story! and as far as being tagged...argh!