Thursday, May 24, 2007

the polls are open

today is my little brother's birthday. he's 20 years old. this marks the end of teenagerdom in my household. momentus. happy birthday daniel.

on another note, i think we shall have a quick vote:

here's the situation. my grandparents generously gave me some money for my graduation. what sound i buy with it? here are my two thoughts. i'll lay them out for you and you can vote. it'll be very democratic and fair. except that i only know of 2 people who read my blog so if they vote for different things i don't know what i'll do...

option 1: i've always wished i had some kind of birthday or something in the summer because i would love to have a pretty silky summer house coat. sounds lame, i know but i love putting on my house coat in the morning and having a cup of coffee and writing in my journal or reading a book. the house coat i have now is thick and fleecy and hot and i miss the tradition in summer. especially because i typically have more time to sit around in the summer. but it's never really a priority to buy something like that for yourself, seems like you should get it as a gift. but i have no gifting occasions in summer time and october is too late. so i was thinking about getting a pretty one with my money and maybe i'd have some left over to buy this perfume i found in the states at victoria's secret when christie and i were there. we both fell in love with different perfumes and debated the whole trip about getting them but when it came down to it, it was too expensive. but i still have my little smelly card and i smell it all the time and think about asking for it for my birthday or something. so potentially i could get both. i don't have any perfume. it seems fun and lady-like.

option 2: i don't really know if i could afford it, i'd have to do some shopping around but i'd like to have a camera. just a little one that i could use and post exciting things for my 2 blog readers to see... it seems like it could be a good thing to have... for example. i have been wanting to use my blog to record different projects i'm working on - knitting things and other crafts. i knitted a sweater after christmas that i was pretty proud of and i still haven't posted a picture because i always forget to make kyle take a picture of it for me. plus i've been putting off writing a post about how we have a new cat because it seemed like i should have a picture of her on it to make it complete but, same deal. so i'd kind of like to have a camera so i can take my own pictures when i want them... (she's a nice cat, by the way.)

so there you have it. voting begins now.


Tami Jo said...

I agree the house coat thing should be a gift...and I predict you will get one...oh and what was the scent of your ladyships liking?
enquiring minds need to know.

your sister, reader #1

Lindsey said...

i agree that you should get a camera...i also think that the house coat should be a gift, which i also predict you will be receiving soon...your sister is a wise woman tiff!

reader #2