Friday, February 23, 2007

6 shows down, 10 to go...

today i find myself in a bit of a happy delirium. i know deep down i'm incredibly tired but somehow i'm also hilariously awake...

last night i decided to briefly transform from my typical old lady self and i went out at 10 for my friend hilary's birthday. we went out for drinks and then dancing. turned out that i only had one good dance left in me so once that was over i spent the rest of the time there two-stepping pathetically and trying to keep my eyes open. i only go dancing about every 3 or 4 months so it seemed like a bit of a waste of my quarterly youthfulness. but i had fun nonetheless... however waking up at 6 was substantially less fun today.

the shows today were relatively uneventful except for having use the dirty basement boiler room as our backstage changeroom. it had big warning signs about there being asbestos in the pipes. and i added a nice hot-pink zebra striped neck-cuff bandana and matching lipstick to my costume and it made be feel perisian. kind of like a flamboyant perisian gay male....


Lindsey said...

tiffany, i am sorry to say that you were made of the blogging world. you are such a great writer, it would be a waste of good talent if you didn't have a blog. oh, and i love the picture!

Lindsey said...

you were obviously made for this more than i since i don't know how to write. made FOR the blogging world....sheesh...

Tami Jo said...

I agree with lindsey!
you are a good blogger, interesting, captivating, make me laugh kind of sweet and sad at the same time.
I love being your sister...