Monday, November 10, 2008

approximately 4 months later...

i finished my mittens!
nothing like a good snow fall, chilly temperatures and icy hands to increase motivation
here is a grainy picture of them (the colours are a bit funny, they're actually a camel colour and a cherry pink):

hooray for warmer hands.
i love being warm.

p.s. the video we made was done with kyle's regular old slr camera (well, not really that old and regualr. but a digital slr, not a video camera). we just did it claymation-style where we'd take a picture, move a smidge, take another one... so the hoverers and the broom flying was just people jumping, taking a small step forward and jumping again, kyle had to do his best to take the picture at the right point in the jump. it was pretty fun.


mike said...

this is a funny picture to me... it makes your face look impossibly long and noseless.... happy your hands are warm... hope I get to see you soon! bring your knitting for a visit.

Aleksa said...

beautiful mittens!

we are invited to a housewarming party and the host wants everyone to put together a video project. so we are trying to come up with an idea and i love this one that you guys did. but i think it may be too complicated since we don't have a Kyle... maybe you could send us you Kyle for a weekend?

still no package huh? I should have paid for tracking and insurance. oh rats!

mike said...

don't worry about the pkg... things take at least a month to get from your country to ours!

Aleksa said...

oh, good to know.