Friday, September 7, 2007

hello blog

it's been a while since i've found myself here, in blog world. It's been a busy month, what with planning a wedding and being in a show and other exciting things. Here are some of the things I have recently learned:
1. I have very expensive taste. I do not have any desire to have a rediculously expensive wedding. I just want a pretty wedding. As it turns out, the things I think are pretty are usually out of my price range. But sometimes I buy them anyways...
2. Wedding cakes cost a lot more than you might think...
3. My fiance has fallen madly in love with a vacuum cleaner at Home Outfitters

In other news, after my show last weekend (which went very well, thanks to everyone who came to see it!) Kyle and I went to the cottage to relax and for my show bruises to heal. Kyle was trying out a new camera. These pictures are nice:

While I was at the cottage, I also decided that I might like to be a tea maker. My mom has a big herb garden and with it getting colder these days, I would like to dry them all and make tea. But whether or not I actually will is a whole other thing... In my head I'm rather domestic but unfortunately, my life doesn't seem to always agree.

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