Thursday, September 13, 2007

when in doubt - knit!

well. i've been having a combination lazy-productive week. i'm only dancing from 9:30-11 every morning (except when I skip class like yesterday) so i've had some time to get stuff done. except that I can't always figure out what I should be doing when I have the time. It's kind of an annoying thing - especially since I just realized that this week (which is almost over) is my last week off before the wedding but I don't totally know what all I should be doing to prepare. so usually that means i knit. but i do have some knitting to do so it's not entirely irresponsible... plus it makes me feel better because i can actually see my progress. it's almost as satisfying as checking things off a list.
In other wedding news, Kyle and I finally decided on a venue for our wedding which is a huge relief for us and we're pretty excited to move on with plans. We're having the ceremony at Broadway First Baptist Church and the reception at the Fort Garry Hotel. I think it'll be really pretty.
And today Kyle and I met with a friend who is going to help us make our invitations (Kyle's going to design them and then him and Jeanette are going to screen print them. I think they'll be beautiful) and then I wandered the streets looking for pretty envelopes - which I didn't find.
I also was recently offered $1000 to change my wedding date by my uncle who wants very badly to be at the wedding but feels it would be irresponsible to take the time off work to come (he owns a petstore in calgary and apparently christmas time is an important time for retail). As tempting as it was and as much as I felt bad for his situation, I don't think Kyle and I want to dely the process any further. We've been waiting a long time for this.
And now I'm at work and thinking I should do some knitting to keep my mind off of some of the cute new fall things that I can't afford but keep staring at me while I sit here...

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