Friday, April 13, 2007

a brief synopsis of my week

nothing new to report really... let's think...

monday i had my class. it's a good idea to design a raincoat with no seams on the shoulders to prevent rain from seeping in.

tuesday kyle and i went on a coffee date. we've never been on a coffee date before. it was fun. i even got a present. he bought me lullabies for little criminals by heather o'neill. i think i would use the word bittersweet to describe this book. it's about a little girl who ends up more or less a street person in montreal. it's sad but not crying sad and beautiful too... it's really well done... that was a poor description of the book, but in all fairness, i haven't finished it yet so i can't be expected to have all my thoughts figured out just yet.

wednesday i drove kyle out to a little school off talbot because he's filming a promotional video for samson's (part of YFC). i ended up staying there with him which was kind of hilarious. he was filming a jr high girls volleyball recreational league game and everyone seemed to be getting flustered by his being there... including kyle. i don't think the girls realized his microphone is much better at hearing things than normal human ears and they kept saying stuff like 'do my legs look fat?' to which another girl would reply 'i don't know, why don't you ask him' and then they'd giggle and keep staring at kyle. it was fun to watch. kyle was all uncomfortable and flustered and cute and the girls were all goofy and giggly but trying to be cool and good at volleyball at the same time. everytime they screwed up they would be like oh no i hope he didn't see that. or ugh of course i screwed up when he was looking. it made me laugh...

and last night i worked. it was slow. my boss at the flower shop bought the cute trenchcoat i liked. so that was a little sad but for the best since i can't afford it anyways.

and tonight kyle and i are going to see a dance show. and my brother's coming home from thailand 75 days earlier than planned. turns out solo traveling is not his cup of tea. he misses his friends and family so it'll be good for him to be home.

and this is the bay. i've included this picture for no reason other than i like it and thought my post needed a picture. kyle took it when we went to the cannes liones at the art gallery with his parents. it's pretty.

and that's that...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

i love the story about kyle and the jr. high girls! i can picture it all to clearly in my head...yup, still laughing!