So I received a complaint today that I haven't updated since February 5. I feel as though my life has been relatively uneventful and I haven't been overly inspired to write recently. But for those of you who have been greatly missing my little updates, my calendar and I will fill you in on the things that have happened since the 5th:
The morning of the 5th I started dancing again. It was nice to get moving again but I do kind of miss my little housewife routine.
In the evening Lindsey and I rented the movie Hairspray. John Travolta makes a hideous woman but Christopher Walkin is an adorable dancer. I had the songs stuck in my head for weeks...
On the 6th Kyle and I went to see a play at PTE. It was one of our date night gifts that we got at Kyle's shower at work.
Doesnt look like I did anything on the 7th. Kyle had a futsal game. Maybe that was the night that he bruised his shin bone. He was in a lot of pain for a long time. I think his leg is still a little swollen and bruised from it.
On the 8th we went to see one of the kids from the youth group in their high school production of Pride and Prejudice. There's something entirely unique about watching a high school play. You definately feel a huge range of emotions, you're always kind of on the edge of your seat. Sometimes it's pretty cute, sometimes it's horribly awkward, sometimes you feel bad for them, sometimes embarrased for them, sometimes oddly proud of them, sometimes your ears hurt from the shrillness of teenage girl's voices... There's nothing like it. Landon did look quite adorable in his dapper little suit and lace scarf...
Okay, the 5th was a long time ago so I'm not going to inform you of everything I have written in this calendar after all. The following entries are more selective:
The 11th was my mom's birthday. She was in Los Angeles so Kyle and I went and had dinner at my sister's house. It was quite nice and I got an exciting little valentine's gift full of adorable little baking things.
I also started back at school this day which was fun because we were working with a guest and the piece we're working on is pretty great. But it did make me feel like I was in a bit of a time warp and wouldn't mind moving on to new things sooner or later...
Valentine's day was great. Kyle and I had a nice evening together and I got a new knitting book, a rosemary plant and a peace lily among other fun little surprises.
This past Thursday, Christie and I had a much anticipated laundry date. We got all our laundry together and bought snacks and played yatzee at the laundromat. Seriously, what could be more fun than that?
Last night we had Tara, Jacko and Manuk over for a little potluck dinner. We had a lovely evening. It's fun to be able to have people over at your own place.
This afternoon I made a brief visit to my sister's house and had pizza buns with them.
And tonight Kyle and I went out for dinner with my dad and then grocery shopping. hoot!
I think that more or less catches us up.
Other things I've done that aren't in the calendar:
I knitted myself a pair of socks from yarn I bought (after employing my best sign langage) in Austria
And I've almost finished a sweater
That's it.
Maybe now i'll be more on the ball with posting...